     I realise that in my newest story, there are some phrases that might not be completely explained or the reader just can't remember them. So I have compiled a list and will be adding to it as the story goes along.
- endren'da - "soul bonded" Two people who are bonded in mind and soul through a spell and Nerissa's will.
- equix - pl. equis mind mates, between a human mage and a magical creature, never between two humans
- Fa'narsh - language of mages
- haske - beloved
- Ke'hara - goodbye, Van'iras phrase literally meaning "May your paws run swiftly and silently"
- keshira - lifebonded, two people who are completely compatible and honest with each other, usually lovers
- shanach - "sword-lover", devoted to Nerissa and the life of a swordfighter
- tan'garshe - preferring members of one's own sex, never used negatively
- Tong'aurang - Children of the Wolves, a Van'iras clan
- Van'iras - magical humans who live in clans, unknown to "commoners"