It's hard to move on
And sometimes you don't want to
But there's a time when you have no choice
It breaks your heart, but what else can you do?
Maybe things happen for the best
But it doesn't seem so
You have to learn to move on
A person can be very special
But you don't realise it till they're gone
And then there's no turning back
Only wishing you could
There are many kinds of love,
Many you don't know exist
Until the time comes when they don't anymore
And suddenly you're missing something big
If I could give everyone one bit of advice I've learned
It would be this:
Don't take advantage of anyone's love
Or it will be love you'll soon miss
I learned this the hard way
I learned it when my father died
Just a couple months ago,
and I'm just talking about it now
I took advantage of his love
I thought he'd be there
But now he's not, and I find myself
Being forced to move on.
~CLH, 5-16-99