"Hey Alex!" my friend Jess called out as I walked through the parking lot. "You coming tonight?"
"I wouldn't miss it for the world," I replied. A group of us were going to a concert that night.
Suddenly, Sam, my boyfriend, came up behind me and hugged my waist. "Hey, my princess." He didn't associate "princess" with my family's royalty, it was just his nickname for me. He had been calling me it since I could remember, even before I knew I was related to the Queen.
A bell rang, and as everyone rushed to get to their homerooms, someone bumped into me. "Sorry," he said before getting lost in the crowd.
"Who was that kid?" I asked Jess as the two of us walked to class.
"Must be that new kid from the U.S.," she replied. "Well, see you in science."
"Bye," I said before walking into the room.
"Alexandria Greenwood, you're late," Miss Pritham, my grumpy homeroom advisor, told me.
"Sorry." I really wasn't, though.
"That's the third time this week. Now, just because you're almost royalty doesn't mean you can avoid school rules. Your sister's on time every day."
Well, isn't she special,I felt like saying, but I kept my mouth shut for my own good. Even if she was late, Miss Pritham wouldn't care, she doesn't care if anyone else is late.
She then took attendance, and it was then that I realised the new student was there. I heard his name, Brian Aquiar, called, and automatically turned around.
"Alexandria, face forward." But it didn't matter, I had already gotten a good look at Brian. He had dark hair, almost black, which was spiked up in all directions, and crystal blue eyes. He smiled at me before I turned back around, but I didn't really notice. After all, I already had Sam.
After a few minutes of boring news on the telly, the bell finally rang to go to first period. Which, for me, was gym, so I didn't have to go right away.
"Hi," I said, going up to Brian.
"Hi...Alexandria?" he asked.
"Alex," I smiled. "Um...do you need help?"
"Yeah, with finding my first class. Where's the gym?"
"Oh, that's an easy one," I told him. "I'm going there anyway. So, you're from the U.S.?" I asked him. "That's a cool accent."
"Um...thanks. Yeah, I'm from Boston, Massachusetts. I must say it's quite different here."
"Is the ocean the same over there?" I asked before laughing. "Sorry, but it just seems...weird to be the same thousands of miles away."
"I don't know if it's the same, since I haven't seen it over here."
"Oh, it's gorgeous. My...house overlooks it. I just stand in my window and watch it. I'm amazed that there's a whole other continent on the other side of it. It's like it connects two worlds or something."
"Hey princess," Sam said as he passed us in the hall.
"Princess?" Brian asked. "How much 'almost royalty' are you?"
"Princess is Sam's nickname for me," I explained. "Although, I am royalty. My first cousin is the Queen."
"Wow...the Queen..."Brian muttered.
"Yeah well, the Queen doesn't have as much importance as everyone else thinks she does, or at least makes her out to be."
"Yeah, but still...you're her cousin, and...well, no offense, but you look like a freak," Brian said, seeming embarrassed.
"None taken. I am a freak, and love breaking the stereotype of being prim and proper," I explained. "Now, my sister, on the other hand...Here we are," I said once we reached the gym. "Go talk to Mr. Brown over there."