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saturday, march 24
i think i'm going to get off and read the great gatsby. because nate's not here to be his annoying self by telling me everything that happens in it. good night. i was really looking forward to hearing my computer moo tonight, too. but it's not going to because i've been waiting for it. stupid people...[g]
so the internet's officially dead tonight. not even meaning there isn't anyone on (although there isn't), it stopped working for me. and then it would not even let me sign off. durrr...
because of the lack of my mouse working outside of aol, i updated some parts of my webpage: the music page, mp3's, and songs. i silently wonder if i should add the songs page to the music page. i'll think about it. [g]
agh! i just found out that tsar was at lupo's on tuesday...and the avalon ballroom in boston last night! why did i not know about this before? completely unfair. grrr...
i started my spring exercises today. i'm actually going to get in shape this year. yep. next weekend, i'm going to start jogging. i'm not starting this weekend because...well, i don't want to. [g] but...yep. i really have nothing to say. i'm bored. i think someone should come online and im me. because i am bored. please help me. [g]
so, i've decided to be completely obvious about my obsession with raft-boy. it should be hilarious. if i don't chicken out, that is. i probably will. okay, baby steps: i'm going to write about him on here. for those who don't know it, i've actually mentioned him on here before. recently, actually. yep. thursday, sort of, but not really. but definitely tuesday. ummm what else? he bleached his hair and i didn't like it. but i'm almost used to it now. mainly because i got to watch him for four hours one day and that helped...but that's kind of wearing off because i haven't seen him this week except for a few seconds each day. fact: he has visited my webpage before. at least once. but he didn't sign my guestbook because he's stupid. [g] another fact: he probably has no idea why i call him raft-boy. which is probably good because otherwise, he'd think i was psycho for knowing such an obscure thing about him and actually making it important. ooh, another fact. i got to see him dance monday. it was very funny. [g]
gr. i really need a new guestbook. one that doesn't cut off people. because mine does, and i hate it. but...in other news, i finished watching pretty in pink (unfortunately before sarah told me about the smith sign so i'll have to watch it again). i loved it. duckie was such a dork, i loved him. even though he unfairly got mad at her (was andy her name? [g]) when she was going on a date with blaine...that was completely unfair of him. but i still loved him. and blaine was gorgeous. oh yes.
you know what? i really wish i could just ramble on and on about raft-boy on here...but i can't, because i'm paranoid that he'll actually come on here (why would he do that?) and read it and think i'm psycho. but i have things that i just want to get off my chest and i can't because nobody listens to me and they all think i'm insane except for jamie and she's barely ever on...but i need to talk to someone because he is so very confusing and acts one way and then the next day completely ignores me and then he goes and shows off in front of me...and i am so confused about him and i need someone's opinion but i can't really say the stuff on here! aaargh... oh yeah, i'm home. [g] friday, march 23
okay, i started watching pretty in pink today (didn't get very far because jenna called), and it reminded me of myself. you know when she's working at the record store and that guy walks in (i have no clue who he is because the furthest i've gotten, twice, is the club scene) and she's sitting there, pretending to write something in her notebook but she keeps looking up at him? yeah. that's like i was in study today. i didn't feel like studying for my history test (which was so much easier than i thought it would be, i finished with half the period left) and i wasn't reading the great gatsby because nate kept insisting on telling me everything that happened whenever i opened it...so i turned my back to him and "read" while watching The Demonic One. it was fun. [g]
you know what i realised today? it's been almost ten years since jenna and i became friends. that's pretty long...
i just nearly freaked out because i went in my room and between the bridges was missing...but then i remembered that i let brian borrow it yesterday and he wasn't in school today (he had semsba) so he gets to keep it for the entire weekend...what will i do without that cd until monday? [g]
i'm going over jenna's house for the night. we're going to spend it watching legend (i bribed her by saying tom cruise was in it [g]), playing snood, going online, and thinking of possible, realistic ways for me to ask raft-boy to the prom. oh, and last night at spotlight, jen took up calling him "floury tomato boy" i'm still trying to decide how i like that one. [g]
gah! today christa informed me that if i do not ask raft-boy to the prom by next wednesday, she'll ask him for me...in the most embarrassing way possible. this is not good...i got her to extend it until friday though, so that gives me a week to find out if i got the job or not (which i am supposed to go to as soon as possible...). but not nearly enough time to build up my courage...she said she's going to go find him during first period (and i, the idiot, told her what he has...brilliant, really) and just burst right in and be like, "hey, you don't know me, but you know christine. she's madly in love with you, she worships the ground you walk on. will you go to the prom with her?" i know christa well enough to know that that's exactly what she'd say. gah.... thursday, march 22
as a pathetic attempt either to a) add some content to my site, b) put off studying for history, or c) get my mind off raft-boy (that one completely bombed), i added a songs page. yay. don't worry, there may only be three songs there as of right now, but as soon as i figure out the majority of the lyrics to a lot of songs, it'll be updated a lot. [g]
i am such an idiot...i've had "DUES" written really big on my hand all day (because i need to pay them, tomorrow's the last day and nobody bothered to tell us until this morning), not to mention my face (i fell asleep on my hand in trig class and it got transferred onto my cheek, i'm such a dork)...and yet i still forgot to ask my mum for the money. grr...
today i was sitting in math class and realised hey, there's someone in it named chris murphy. unfortunately, this one is not nearly half as cool as the sloaner. we have lots of people at my school who have the same names as cool rock people. when i was a freshman, my "peer leader" was adam gardner. he was almost as cool as the guster one. he juggled in the talent show, and he was mr. dr. and his brother likes the who. which makes the whole family okay in my books. i'm bored...and trying not to cry. beth left me, so now i have nobody to talk to and cheer me up. it's very sad.
today has been such a disappointing day. well, first it rained. then i had school. during which i did not see raft-boy at all. and then i went to spotlight, and it wasn't the best one at all. and then...i got home, and saw my envelope of pictures sitting on the table. i open them excitedly (i'm sure you all know why [g])...and none of the pictures came out. well, the talent show ones did, but not the important pictures. grrr...and i'm trying to scan in the best one and my computer's NOT WORKING. evil evil evil... and now i'm yelling at my computer and brother and cat and just everything...and i feel like crying. today was not a good day. and i still have to study for evil history. i need some cheering up...very badly. : ( wednesday, march 21
hmm....i've added a new section to my webpage. yay. and that's all. i have nothing to say. i went to church tonight, as usual...emily and i were sitting there, sneezing and sniffling the entire time. i'm pretty sure i'm the one who got her sick. oops... thus, as long as i'm sick, i should stay away from raft-boy. because i don't want to get him sick. tomorrow i have spotlight. my evil history teacher's speaking at it. great. so i get to go right from his class, on a bus, and go listen to him talk for two hours. fun, really. but he's going to talk about being on jeopardy. which, you know, i haven't already heard a million times...
yay, i finally got my archives to actually show up again...they just randomly disappeared. crazy blogger. um...should i write about my day? it was stupid, i don't know why i even bothered to come to school. what's the one reason i do go to school every day? to see raft-boy. otherwise, i wouldn't be able to put up with it. did i see raft-boy today? no. well, once. but it was for a second, so it doesn't even count. grrr... and i kept getting in trouble during study because i was talking to brian and rachael and nate...The Demonic One wasn't there, so i had to find something else to do! i did my chemistry homework, vocab, and helped rachael with her chemistry, and i still had extra time before the bell rang. it was so unfair! but i have church tonight and my mum said it won't be a problem bringing me, so that should be good. and i'll get to get out of my house, because my brother has a friend over. woohoo. and i'm not as sick today...i keep getting these spells. it was weird, because i was fine before homeroom, then sick during first period, fine second, sick third, fine fourth, sick fifth, fine sixth, and sick seventh. and now i'm fine again. grrr...but i'm planning on not going to school friday. because i don't want to. i have a history test. i should probably start the section now... you know what next wednesday is? guess. okay...it'll have been six months since i met raft-boy. but he wasn't raft-boy then, he was just some random person. i was so stupid back then...but don't ask me why i remember it's been six months. i'm weird like that. [g] tuesday, march 20
awww...i suddenly miss rocky point. chrissy had to mention it! i miss going there all the time...because we would always spend the day with the hot kid who lived across the street from it. he's still hot, but i only see him once a year now. so sad... oh, and of course rocky point itself rocked. my brother never got to go on the "big" rides because he was always too small. as soon as he would get to the required height, they would change it. i laughed at him a lot. i'm the tall one in my family. [g] which isn't to say a lot, i suppose...but i am the tallest member of my family at a startling 5'6". ha.
i got a postcard from sarah in the mail today! all of a sudden i'm cheered up. thank you so much! (i shall be writing in your guestbook soon...well, eventually [g])
proof that i'm completely out of it: i just turned around to talk to my brother and said, "this is the stupidest world on earth." as opposed to what i meant to say, which was "this is the stupidest show on earth." yep, i'm definitely sick. i think raft-boy should come over with some soup. ha! i almost brought him soup one time...but not really. i just thought about it. [g] well, i got my trig test back today. i got a 70. which isn't as bad as i thought i did (i actually got two problems completely right!) but not as good as i would have liked to do. i have a 93 in that class. and yet...i don't pass the tests? how does my grade stay up? i know how i do bad on the tests. this is take right out of my notes (from yesterday): "arc cos" means the inverse cosine (he only said it a million times!)and that's why i'm doing so bad in that class. haha... you know what? i'm an idiot. it's taken me all year (not even since the beginning of the semestre, since the beginning of the school year because my schedule's the same) to realise that i can go to my locker between second and third period...because i'm in art, and then i go right to trig, which is down the hall. but i realised that i can leave art, go across the courtyard, go to my locker, and go back across the courtyard to trig. lots of walking, but oh well. today when i did it, The Demonic One held the door open for me. [g] which proves that he's not entirely evil. but then again, he's not really. he's just named that because of something else. and plus, going to my locker delays the time i spend in trig class. which is a good thing.
agh...my brother definitely got me sick. watch now as i drink one carton of orange juice after another after another. today i fell asleep in chemistry and english (so no more haikus, sorry) and wanted to fall asleep in history but my teacher would have killed me. so i continued watching that boring movie about jfk. that's all we do in history, watch movies. and try to decipher what he writes on the board. today i thought he wrote something about incest and orgies. apparently, it was "investigating org. (organised) crime". but it's not only my fault. sure, i'm sick and half blind as it is, but his writing is horrible! his a's look like everyone else's s's and then all the other letters, there's no hope in seeing what they are. but i managed to actually catch the bus today...i had to run, but i made it! yay. nate didn't think i was going to make it, because i was walking .2 miles an hour on the way from chemistry to lunch (i move slow when i'm sick, okay?) but i just said that i was saving up my energy. not entirely, but whatever. and i liked raft-boy's shirt today. he always looks really cute in it. it also matched my pants. funny, i can't match myself, but i can match him? that's...odd. today, jess and i were walking up the math hall before homeroom, and brian and sam were walking down it and they passed us and jess just randomly said, "sam!" and he turned around and gave us a weird look. but jess didn't notice because she was still walking up the hall. i don't understand her sometimes. [g] monday, march 19
and i'm going to sleep now, because i am tired and sick and can't stay up much longer. and if i do, i want to spend it reading one of my books.
things that are going to be wrong with tomorrow:
okay, this is the easiest one...random list item number 8: all the people on my buddy list that aren't talking to me!
random list time! um...what to write a list of? ooh! a list of things i can make lists of! haha...
my current away message: "i'm bored. please im me." no, that's not a plea for help...
i'm bored. i'm supposedly talking to beth, but all it really is is me rambling about raft-boy. very occasionally she'll add a comment. but it's mainly just me rambling. somebody else needs to im me. maybe raft-boy himself...? nah, don't count on it. he avoids me terribly. he disappears on me. he somehow learned to be invisible just so i couldn't see him. and why? it's not as if i actually talk to him or anything, all i want to do is stare at his lovely perfectness for a few seconds of my day...and he won't even grant me that one wish. ooh, beth replied! this is what she said: "man... I wonder why he does that. maybe he just doesn't know that you are really nice..." to which i replied: "he probably hears scary stories about me from [raft-boy's friend], so he thinks i'm a psycho." sadly, that seems the most logical answer. boys suck. awww, beth's going to walmart. so now i shall be very very bored. which will...result in senseless posts from me. ha!
screw it, blogger ate one of my posts. luckily, i had it backed up! this is what i wrote: aargh...down there, i actually meant to say school, not the library. as in, i had to go back to the school for band. (and i drove! 'twas quite scary...and then i couldn't figure out how to turn off the headlights! dur...) and now that i've found out coldplay and the stereophonics are playing with a bunch of people at foxboro on april 26th, i will calm myself by typing up my silly haiku. i wrote it in english class, but we were not doing haiku in the class. actually, we were doing parallelism. which is very easy, so i got bored quickly. this is my result: raft-boy is scrawny ms. sarah cocker: gleebs goes to concerts. jamie likes weezer i like raft-boy but erica dyes hair see? so incredibly silly...but it was fun. [g]
and blogger needs to start working right about now...la ta da...okay, i declare this official pointless ramble time! okay...while i was waiting for my mum to pick me up, i watched our boys volleyball team practice (through the gym door because i didn't want to actually go in the gym), which was...amusing. because our volleyball team sucks. last year, we won a total of two games, and both were against the same team. [g] but, i noticed that the hot guy from my chemistry class plays volleyball. hmm...i might actually have to go to some games this year. [g] i'd much rather have basketball (since i get into those games for free) but whatever. and then i got home, and came on here (eventually), and my mum said that someone called me back about the job interview. so i have to call them again tomorrow. i'm both nervous and excited about this. nervous, because i hate talking on the phone. excited, because now there's a very slim chance i might actually go to the prom! i'm not even excited for the prom, i just want to know what raft-boy would say if i asked him. but just thinking about asking him makes me feel like i'm going to throw up...because thinking about him does. not as much anymore, but a few months ago i felt sick even if i had the littlest thought of him. i'm strange. but anyway...i might actually get a job! and i was going to write down the awesome haiku i wrote in english class today (i was bored...) but my mum's making me get off so i can go back to the library. i just got home from there! that is an evil place...but my haiku will have to wait. later, perhaps. probably.
oh yeah, and i hate my hair. erica dyed it *yesterday*, and...it already came out. i took a shower this morning and when i blow dried my hair (i actually did, which i never do! i had a lot of extra time this morning), the dye was not there at all. how evil...
aaargh...can i just vent about how much i can't stand my family right about now? well, i got home from school today at 4:30 (my mum was incredibly late in picking me up) and then we get home and as soon as i walk in the door, the phone rings and it's jenna (she knows i hate the phone, why does she always call me?). so she was like, "when did you leave that message?" and i said saturday night (they never check their answering machine at her house) and she was like, "oh well, i called last night and told your brother to tell you i called..." my brother doesn't ever give me my freaking messages! and then, i get off the phone with her so i can go online...and my mum jumps on the phone. talking to my sister. then i'm in my room (because i wasn't going to stay on the computer doing nothing...) and eventually she's like, "well, i have to go make supper now" and she said in this quieter voice, "and check my email..." so i was like, i don't think so, and i went back on the computer. but then she stayed on the phone for ten more minutes! grrr.... and my brother's sick. i hope he doesn't get me sick. because i've already been sneezing a wicked lot lately and i don't feel good (seeing raft-boy doesn't even get me excited...i must be sick!) but i was kind of blaming that on allergies...but now if he gets me sick, that will be the end of him. as much as i hate actually going to school, i hate missing it even more. and...i have issues. oh well. despite all this, i actually had a good day in school. we didn't get our trig tests back, so that was especially good because i failed it. but in history, we watched the actual assassination of jfk. over and over and over. greeeat...i hate my history class. i was going to go to miss mac's class just so i wouldn't have to watch it. but my teacher wouldn't let me because he hates me and wants to do everything in his power to make me have a bad day. and then my mum wonders why i come home in a bad mood, when i have his class last. grr... yes, i feel like growling today. that's the mood i'm in. today i almost smiled at raft-boy. but not quite. i'm so great, really. sunday, march 18
so, i was bored today and made a list. haha...this should amuse some people, frighten others. here it is: i want a guy who...
i just watched legend. what a great movie. except, lili annoyed me. does she annoy anyone else? i didn't think she deserved jack's love. and she was the whole problem. i mean, i know she didn't know that she wasn't allowed to touch the unicorns, but then she just...kept making it worse. like, she accepted the jewelry and everything. i don't know, i just didn't like her.
i'm home. finally. yay. now...what to write about? hm...the talent show last night was fun. although, my issues with raft-boy greatly intensified. because he was stupid and then smart and then stupid again...and very frustrating! but as for the actual talent show, it was great. and i had an issue because brian ended up playing with The Demonic One's band and i couldn't cheer for him but i had to cheer for brian and i had no clue what to do...but brian was in eight other things (or some big number like that) so i cheered extra for him in those. so i guess it was okay. [g] and...that's really all i have to say. i'm not being very talkative lately. oh well. after it, i went over erica's house and this morning, she dyed my hair blue...not all of it, just a little part, and you can't notice it unless it's in a certain light (she says the school lights are great for it). i mean, you can tell that it's darker, but you can't tell that it's blue. because my hair's stupid. i hate it. i should have bleached it first but seeing how i have issues with bleach and we woke up a half hour late anyway, we didn't bleach it. oh well. i wonder if raft-boy will notice. probably not. because he's stupid. i hate absolutely no idea why i put up with his stupidness all the time. but i do... i'm having a very issue-y day. can you tell? i need to vent to someone, but beth's not on. neither is my sister, because she just left boston an hour ago or so (we went to see her in the st. patrick's day parade). oh, about that! there were soooo many hot guys in kilts! let's follow my thought process as i got to the parade site: ooh, kilts! guys in kilts! tall guys in kilts! tall hot guys in kilts! tall hot guys in kilts playing bagpipes! ooh, dunkin' donuts! and then i went to get a hot chocolate. [g] but...i am so attracted to guys in kilts, i can't help it. it's my scottish genes. i am not irish, i'm scottish. but we don't have a holiday so i go to the st. patrick's day parade instead. [g] because there are lots of hot guys in kilts in it. awww yeah. but...i really want to see raft-boy in a kilt. if he wore a kilt to school, i would seriously jump him. i kid you not. i would jump him, and then i would die. but he probably wouldn't wear a kilt, because i don't think he's scottish or irish. he looks german. i don't have an infatuation with germans. hmm... at least, he's german according to brian. but brian wasn't entirely clear on that. but i believe him, because raft-boy looks german. yep. i'm going to shut up now. and i want to learn to play the bagpipes. that's all. so does my brother. we should make a family thing out of it. [g] |