other places to find me:
my webpage
crush chronicles

listen to me, i'm on the stereo:
get up and dance!
scottish pride
(i think i'm obsessed with my cd burner)

refugee camp

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saturday, april 21
today has just been a perfect day. i don't want it to end. but damn, it's almost midnight...oh well, i won't go to sleep for another three hours...[g]

julie's webpage is beautiful. and apparently, she reads my blog! therefore, she rocks. [g]

you know what i would say to sam right now if he were online? well, it would go like this:

me: hi
sam: hey
me: how are you?
sam: good, you?
me: i'm extremely happy, because i'm actually going to the prom now!
sam: oh, who are you going with?
me: nobody. i don't know anyone who'd go with me. but that's okay.
sam: i'd go with you

okay...except for the last part, that's how it would go. i kind of...make up conversations i could have with him. doesn't anyone else do this? [g]

i am so ecstatically happy right now! i'm going to the prom! eeeeeee!

sure, i almost definitely won't have a date since i have absolutely *no* courage to ask sam, but...i'm still happy! i want to share it with someone, but nobody's on!

okay...see, my mum said that she'd pay for my ticket if i found a really cheap dress or wore one of my sister's. well....i just tried on a couple of my sister's dresses and one fits perfectly. i mean, it seems like it should be mine, not hers...only problem is though, if i wore any kind of heels (except maybe one-inch heels) it would be too short, so i have to be short. : Þ so...there's another reason i probably won't ask sam. because he's 6'4".

but...christa's now going to bug me into asking him. i think it would be too late, since wednesday's the last day to buy tickets, and he wouldn't have been planning on going in the first place since he's a sophomore. but...do i care? well, yes. but i'm still happy that i'm going to the prom in the first place! [g]

i have to email beth about this...[g]

quote of the day:
"romance is wonderful, except when it sucks."- tammy

okay, so she really said it on the 13th, but i just got around to reading the message board tonight. [g]

this printer is PATHETIC.

seriously. why can nothing in my house *work*? we got this printer and our scanner both within a week of each other, not even a month ago. and...they're both not working properly. the scanner doesn't...scan in pictures. [g] it previews them, but it doesn't scan. which is frustrating. and the printer...prints one line every two minutes. it's going to take forever to print out my history report...(when i write it, that is.) stupid stupid electronic devices...

grrr...i want to update my profile on aol (i'm *obsessed* with updating my profile...like, seriously. i update it every day. this will be the third time today [g]) but...aol's being evil again and not working. bah, stupid aol. i hate you. i fart in your general direction.

i need to go watch monty python. [g]

*willing sam to im me* this boy has issues, seriously. really, it's not me with the issues, it's him. it only seems like i'm the one with the issues. [g]

okay, as much as i love blur...how many times are they going to show this commercial?! i think i'll just go listen to the cd instead. because i haven't. for a looong time. yes. bad lynne. i'm going now. [g]

dude! "tender" is playing on a gateway commercial! blur rocks. i love that song. [g]

since i am bored, i present to you...reasons why i am sexy!

  • i have shaggy bangs that fall into my eyes (even though i just got them cut yesterday, they're shaggy...?)
  • i have space jam sheets on my brand new bed (i know it's not nearly as cool as superman underoos, but whatever)
  • um...i'll have to get back to this later. [g]

hm...i should *really* write my history report. you know, since it's due monday at one (unless i have to turn it in before homeroom...? that's a possibility). and i have two sentences written. and it's supposed to be five pages. yeah. i should go write it. am i going to? no. [g]

i'm so happy! i got my sat scores back, and i didn't do *nearly* as bad as i thought i did...i was hoping for an 1150, which i thought was reasonable for the first try for me. especially since i didn't take the psat's this year and last year i got an...1130, i think. anyway, i got a 1250! of course i'm going to take them again and hope for a 1300. because...i still want to do better. :o) and you know what? i don't even care what my friends got. i mean, i know they did great (sarah and erica probably got in the 1500's) and i'm happy for that, but i'm happy with my own score as well. :o)

also. i got my new bed today. i already went and took a three hour nap in it. haha...i was exhausted for some reason, and it just looked so inviting...and my cat and i managed to both sleep in it together. because it's a twin bed, and i haven't had one of those since i was four or something like that, and i like to sprawl. a lot. my feet hang off the end of the bed. [g] but my cat managed to somehow stay on it. yay. [g]

you know what? if sam's not even in school monday, i'll cry. seriously. i will break down into sobs in the middle of the hallway and cry. because i'm cool like that.

yay kim emailed me back! and she's probably coming down during the summer! you know what this means, don't you? ....it means hanging out at the pool club that sam works at so she can see him! [g]

oh geez.... this is what my friends and i come up with at lunch. [g]

for your enjoyment (or rather, to keep me from dying of boredom):

grooving to: stereophonics' "just enough education to perform"
feeling: pretty, because i got my hair cut in a new style today
also: annoyed, because sam was online for two hours tonight and didn't talk to me
craving: dunkin' donuts fruit coolatta (i've been addicted to those things since they came out...i blame adam)
today's accomplishment: cleaning my room in only two hours!
quote of the moment: "awwww! someone's got a crusshhh"-kristina
loving: sarah, because she signs my new guestbook and tells me what bands do songs
missing: sam (two days, five hours until i get to see him...)
also: beth, because i haven't talked to her online in days
wishing: that sam would at least talk to me
hoping: that he'll like my haircut
more moods:
  confused (must i say why?)
  annoyed (different reason: napster's not working for me)
  happy (i like my haircut, now that i figured out the bangs problem)
  lustful (i love kelly jones' voice)
  bored (nobody i talk to is online...)
  tired (i want to go have my final sleep in my bed before i get a new one tomorrow...)

boreeeeddddd,,,,,,]]]\\\\\\\ haha i couldn't find the backspace button. [g] anyway...it's no fun staying up until three in the morning when you're told to. bleh.

grr...of course, i finally find out who sings the song (sarah is my music encyclopedia) and i can't connect to napster. lovely.

haha...my brother just woke up, finally, and went straight to the refrigerator. [g]

i love sarah. [g]

well. there's at least one good thing about being online so late: i haven't gotten kicked off in the last...hour or so. yay! [g]

okay so, i *can't* go to bed tonight. not until three, at least. because then i have to wake up my mum, so she can get aerosmith tickets. [g] i was supposed to go to their concert (with jenna, her mum, and mine) but...jenna and i are leaving for disney the day of the first concert (26 june). and we'll still be down there during their second (the 28th). personally, i'm not that upset about it (steven tyler scares me for some reason...it must be a childhood trauma or something [g]), but jenna is. because it was going to be her first concert (she is completely not like me!). but she can't go.

anyway, the point of this...i'm going to be online, pointlessly rambling, until three. have fun. [g]

okay, so you know what? i really should be paranoid that sam could just come to my webpage and read my ramblings about him. because he's been here before (back in early march, before i talked about him in my blog). and i have the link in my profile. but you know what else? i'm not paranoid. because...if he comes here, then he obviously thinks about me in some way, and that's good to me. the chances are, though, he doesn't come here. so i'm not worried either way. :o)

i'm just...thinking about things. do you realise (probably not) that he's been online for an hour and thirty seven minutes? he is *never* online this long. he's usually never even on for an hour. he's probably waiting for me to im him (yeah right...). because i usually talk to him on friday nights. but not tonight. not ever again, until he ims me. or i get insanely bored again. [g]

i think my brother finally woke up...nope, he went back to sleep. [g]

step on my old size nines and i'll take you round... i love the stereophonics.

i remembered my password! [g]

now, if only all that was *worth* something... : Þ

friday, april 20
so. i somehow got logged out of hotmail.

since i haven't actually logged *into* hotmail since january (i just stayed logged in...), this was a bit of a problem. i had no clue what my password was. and...it doesn't help that i didn't remember the answer to the "helpful question" thing. brilliant. really. [g]

haha...kristina and i talking (about sam, of course):

twinklebrry85: he seems like a very quiet boy
Angry Crouton: he is!
Angry Crouton: which is...what i don't understand. [g]
twinklebrry85: lol
Angry Crouton: like, he's so reserved. which is completely *not* me. so i don't understand why i like him so much.
twinklebrry85: lol because he is tres tres scrawny lol j/k
Angry Crouton: yeah, and he likes the who. and he's utterly adorable. but besides those things...
twinklebrry85: awwww!
twinklebrry85: someone's got a crusshhh
Angry Crouton: obviously [g]

really...didn't she know this before? [g]

i have a mix between "rooftop" and "step on my old size nines" (both by the stereophonics) stuck in my head. rock.

dude, *somebody* needs to come online. i'm just about bored enough to im sam...and that would be a catastrophe.

so i'm going to go listen to the stereophonics cd. screw it if my brother's sleeping. he shouldn't stay up all night for four nights in a row and then fall asleep on the couch at seven in the evening. : Þ

my brother's still asleep on the couch. whenever i start playing music, his snoring gets louder. it's like we're having a battle as to who can be loudest, just like when we're both awake. [g]

you know what i hate even more? when a BANNERLESS server gives me banners on my page...

add one more time to the list...i hate aol.

what is it with aol being especially evil today? it's been at least six times that i've gotten kicked off now...i just got kicked off again, and by the time i got back on, sam was on! which means...i missed my computer mooing. [g]

two summers ago, my mum, brother, and myself took a trip to tennessee, where we attended a four-day rock festival called itchycoo. i saw many great bands there, including the john entwistle band, 1964: the tribute, and steppenwolf. i had a great time, since the festival was mainly a small-scale '69 woodstock. the music rocked.

why am i writing this? because on the radio today, coming home from the hair salon, i heard a song. it was called "itchycoo" and it was by some guy whose first name was steve (but i don't know his last name...) and he died in a fire in '91. the song was written in '67. and i want to know who did it. so...if anyone has any info on this guy, tell me. please. [g]

somebody sign my guestbook, damnit! tell me how much you love my hair cut. even though you haven't seen it.

i guess sarah is the only one who loves me... : Þ

okay...so i spent all day (or at least three hours...) cleaning my room. and my mum comes home...and cleans my brother's room. not fair.

i think today is "national complain about your mum" day. yes.

alphabetized! [g]

i'm so bored. how bored, you ask? i alphabatised my buddy list. now, i will go learn how to spell alphabetised. alphabetized? alphabitized? that can't be right. hmm...

dear evil aol people,

i would really appreciate it if you let me actually stay online. i have been kicked off four times in the last hour and a half, and it does not please me. we pay a good amount of money for your services, yet you provide us with practically nothing in return except an extraordinary amount of advertisements. why should we pay for something if we can't use it?

thank you,
an annoyed customer

aol just went psycho on me, yes it did. well, first i typed in an address and nothing came up, so i hit enter like a million times because nothing continued to come up. and then five minutes later, it finally came up...a million times! and then erica wasn't getting my ims, and then the internet died on me. and then my aim buddy list said that my aol screen name signed off, but i was still online...? and then i tried signing off, and aol just said that there was an error and thus my buddy list wouldn't show. but my buddy list was showing...

aol needs to die. seriously.

and why must my brother be such a loud snorer (is snorer a word? it looks funny)? he fell asleep on the couch and...it's bad. [g]

besides, if i can't get geek glasses (another thing my mum refused to pay for, when my current frames are "perfectly fine" despite them constantly falling apart...), i shouldn't have glasses at all. : Þ

you know who has geek glasses? sam. does he wear them? nope, only in class. it's too bad, he's really hot in them. [g]

grrr i just spent the past hour trying to convince my mum to get me contacts. did it work? no. she has no problem with getting my sister contacts, but me? yeah right. i mean, i know that i had some freshmen year and ruined them, but...i was insanely irresponsible then. i'm not anymore. not only that, but she should give me a second chance. my sister lost her contacts once and my mum gave her a second chance. but why trust me with another opportunity to ruin something? grrrr...

anyway, the reason i suddenly want contacts (well, one of the reasons) is because i got my hair cut today and for the first time in...practically forever, i have bangs. but bangs don't go with glasses (at least not on me), it's either one or the other. so i want contacts. because it'll take a while for the bangs to grow out. (i wrote up...yeah, my bangs need to grow up, they're too immature!)

not only that, but glasses are so freaking annoying! i mean, have you ever been in marching band, and had to stand perfectly still, but your glasses keep falling down your nose? it is the worst thing ever. i'm serious.

plus, it's going to be summer, and i'd like to actually be able to control the sun shining in my eyes for once.

so, the bottom line is: i want contacts. a lot.


i'm really just checking to see if this wants to work for me. [g]

okay, what is going on with my webpage *now*?

the discoveries continue:
  • my history book (seeing how i have to return this in two months, it's a good thing i found it)
  • jenn's phone number
  • a note from jess saying that sam was in her class (this is from like, december...)
  • my assignment book from seventh grade!
  • school papers that would have been helpful to have for last semestre's exams, including...
  • trig notes from 28 september. it's funny to look at it and be like, "wow, i was obsessing over sloan and learning about sine values the day i met sam." okay, at least it's funny to me
  • my bed (haha...it was covered in so much crap)
  • my stereo remote (so i can now turn off my spacehog cd...but like i'd want to anyway)
so i get a new bed tomorrow. tomorrow morning, might i add. i hate mornings...

and i'm going to get my hair cut today. i'm nervous about it. [g]

i realised today that i have a problem (okay, so i have many...). i shake. uncontrollably. i mean, usually it's only when i'm nervous (when sam sits next to me, or i have to do my spanish orals, or something of that nature) but i was shaking nonstop while cleaning my room today. it was...weird. and i'm still shaking. mainly it's just my arms, but my legs also shake a lot. i'm just...sitting on them right now so they can't. ha.

but add my constant shaking to my ribs aching from coughing too much, and i'm a broken woman it seems. not to mention that my voice still absolutely sucks from my cold. last night at marching band, we were singing (yes, we sing in marching band [g]) and...i sucked. a lot. it better get better (i like saying better, okay?) by wednesday. because then i sing in front of sam (well, sort of...). ooh i cannot wait for wednesday! [g]

i was thinking that i wasn't going to survive summer vacation, because i haven't seen sam for over a week now and i almost went insane. but...i realised. i get to see him at church! religion is gooood. [g]

i just cleaned my room. well, kind of. i cleaned it, but...everything that i'm not throwing out is on top of my bed. [g] it's...almost clean. yeah.

anyway, cleaning my room is always an adventure, because i don't throw anything out. things i found today:

  • my history notebook from eighth grade
  • my biology folder from last year
  • a million and two squished kleenex boxes
  • lots of socks
  • three pairs of fleece gloves (of course, now that it's almost warm weather...)
  • a wallet (but sadly, no money)
  • lots of shoes
  • half of a letter to kim
  • lots of birthday and christmas cards
  • an invitation to jenn's party last summer...i don't even remember getting it, nevermind going!
thing i lost:
  • my stereo remote (this is a bad thing, because the only way i can get to my stereo is by climbing over my bed, and...that's covered in junk)

i have a new guestbook. you are now obligated to sign it.

there. look familiar?

i just realised that i'm very bored with my site. the layout, i mean. not for the blog, of course. so i want to redo my entire page tomorrow (today?). but i can't. because i'm not allowed on the computer until i clean my room. and that will take all day. and besides, i have no idea what i want as my next layout. something...plain, perhaps. but not boring. i don't know. hmm...

hahaha...i found this very amusing. exhibits one and two. sam's is the original, though. i can tell because laurel (whom i actually don't really know, i've heard of her but i wouldn't know her if i faced her at school) messed up on hers. [g] besides, sam's cooler than to just copy people's profiles. :o)

and...while you're at it, go and laugh at sam's horrible grammar. really. i don't mind. actually, i laugh at it all the time. [g]

haha...today i did my hair in this weird twist thing that i do occassionally (but i stopped doing it for school because every day i did it, sam didn't come to school [g]) and i just took it out...oh my god. you can't even begin to imagine what my hair looks like right now. i wish i could take a picture. [g]

thursday, april 19
so. i went with what i thought he'd pick anyway: led zeppelin. [g]

i have a dilemna....i can't decide which cd to listen to. should i listen to coldplay's parachutes, stereophonics' just enough education to perform, spacehog's the hogyssey, or led zeppelin's early days? i hate decisions. maybe i should im sam and ask him.

or not. [g]

i met a french person today.

she had a bad impression of me right from the start. before i even met her, really. because of how i was talking to kristina online about sam, and she was sitting right there but i didn't know it (on kristina's computer...not right next to me, that would be weird [g]). and she came to band practice today. she was wearing a shirt with an american flag on it. i had almost worn my british flag shirt today. that would have been funny. [g] i think i might wear it to school monday. when all the french people are at our school. haha....

hahaha...i think my mum thinks there's something wrong with me. [g] because every time she walks by the computer, i'm always staring at my blog. but...the stars just mesmerize me. seriously. [g]

i don't believe it really is a cure lyric.

haha...some random person just imed me (on aim, not aol) and this is how the conversation went:

FaceOfOblivion: the cure rule
FaceOfOblivion: rock on
MonkBeatLv: okay
FaceOfOblivion: ...'okay'?
MonkBeatLv: yes, okay
FaceOfOblivion: u do realize who that song in ur profile is, dont you?
MonkBeatLv: yes
FaceOfOblivion: its...the..cure
MonkBeatLv: i know

you know what, though? ...i didn't know it was the cure. [g] okay, it was in response to this quote: "eventually your heart is like a candle, it can only burn for so long," which i stole from sam's profile way back in february (or possibly even january...). so...i know some of you people (sarah) like the cure. tell me which song this is from, please! i need to know! [g]

so. i'm at the library. bored. help. me. please.

okay, i'm not really *that* bored. i'm talking to jamie. :o) but still....i'd be less bored if sam came here. but i bet you guessed that already.

anyway...i have band practice tonight. yay! call me a band geek, i don't care. i'm excited that marching band is starting up again. it's like, one of the highlights of my life. yes. i am a band geek. your point? what does my life consist of? marching band (and pep band), church, obsessing over sam, and...no, i think that would be all. oh yeah, and going on the computer. yes, i am a geek. bow down to me.

i am suddenly very happy. :o)

it's amazing how little things like sam coming online can cheer me up a lot. [g]

oh yeah. i'm watching 25 years of punk on vh1....it makes me want to be extremely punk. i mean, i wanted to already, but this is really making me want to be punk. before vacation, christa and i decided that one day we're going to both go to school dressed punk. because there are no punk kids at our school. but...that would mean that i have to go shopping for punk clothes. because i don't have any because i'm a loser. so christa and i have to go shopping together. but first she has to come home from spain. and portugal. yep. but too bad we didn't make these arrangements earlier, we could have worn punk clothes monday. as a tribute to joey ramone. a late tribute, but it would be late because we haven't had school all week.

anyway, i'm rambling. and i think i just accidentally deleted my last post. oops...

hahahaha....ha. today (well, counting last night really) i've sent beth seven emails. she's going to get online at like five, and there will be even more because i'll be at the library. she is going to be sooo mad at me...[g]

i had a dream this morning. that sam and i slept together. but NOT LIKE THAT! [g]

okay see, for some reason he and his friend that i don't like (let's just call him...steve. [g]) were over my house (steve was friends with my brother?) and they were sleeping over. but the only place for them to sleep were in the bunkbeds that were in my room (i don't really have bunkbeds in my room, just so you know). but...sam couldn't fit in the bunkbed, his feet (and half his legs probably) were dangling *way* over the end because he's so tall. so i offered my bed to him, saying that i'd sleep in the bunkbed. but he was like, "no, i don't want to make you sleep in an unfamiliar bed" (? they were in my room...) so we slept in the same bed together. and when i woke up (in the dream, not in real life) he was watching me. [g]

this is what happens when i don't see him for almost a week. well, it's a week today. i'm going to go insane! but...seriously. i need to see him. i miss him so much.

i am *never* going to survive summer vacation. i realise that.

according to matt, converse is going out of business.

watch now as i go to the converse outlet in east providence and magically pay for all their expenses by buying every single pair of shoes that i want there (ie, all of them). no, seriously. i know what shoes i want. watch out, this might not be pretty:
these, these, these, these, these....and i still want these even though they're for infants...[g]

but...problem. the website isn't saying that there's an outlet in east providence. what? don't tell me they already closed....i will be very sad if they did.

i'm going to the library again today. i really don't spend my whole life there. this is only the second time in like, a month that i've gone there. both times just happen to be in the same week.

but it'll be nice to get on a computer that doesn't take five minutes for the blogger page to load! aol's psycho. i'll be glad to get rid of it for the summer. although...not. because then i won't get to talk to sam. : (

and of course, it'll be an added bonus if sam goes today. while i'm there. :o) but...i think he's on vacation. so whatever.

too bad i'm not going until like, four. hmm....i should clean my room. i have to have it cleaned by saturday because i'm getting my new bed then. and i completely made it even messier tuesday because i was looking for my coldplay cd case (it was missing, but it was really just in the wrong slot in my cd tower). so i should go do that. i should also go work on my history report because...it's due monday. and i have two sentences written. [g]

my computer is seriously being so pathetically slow today....

oh, yeah. i changed my email address. well, i still have my aol address, but i changed my address on here to argyle_turtle@hotmail.com. this is most likely going to be the address i'll be using this summer (we're getting rid of aol and getting the internet through the cable so we can have a cable modem...just for the summer, though) so i decided to get a head start on things. [g] actually, i was just bored.

i am so bored. maybe i should go to bed. but why would i do a normal thing like that?

so apparently if you're online at one in the morning, you're either a porn star wanna be or hopelessly in debt.

why don't they just send me an email that contains a cure for insomnia? stupid people...

watch, now i'll get twenty emails in my inbox for insomnia pills. [g]

wednesday, april 18
i have a glowing mouse and you do not.

actually, i'm not entirely sure about that last part. but anyway, my mouse is awesome. it glows when i move it. there is nothing cooler in the world than it. well, maybe. i'm not entirely sure. but at this moment in time, i cannot think of anything cooler than it. yes, that's it.

so. i shall now attempt to blog about my day. because i feel like it. and i'm bored. mainly i'm just bored. i don't really have any feelings against or for blogging about my day. i will try to steer clear of the subject of The Demonic One, though. because...he's demonic. but not really. he just looks it. not even really, just in the basketball picture. i am going to steal that picture some day. but not so i can see him. although i would look at it and laugh at him. i would steal it so i can see sam with his hair before he bleached it. in the picture he's smiling kind of girlishy (is that even a word? i doubt it) and his ears are sticking out and he's just so darn adorable that i have to steal the picture. there are two copies of it, they can afford to have one stolen, right? exactly.

okay, that was not about my day. here is my day:

i left the house to drop off an application at readmore, which is a book store practically down the street from me. i can go there and spend little amounts of money on many books. it's mainly a used book store, and all used books are half off. new books are...discounted. i don't know how much, but i know it's some amount. anyway, so i go in there and drop off my application. and then i can't just leave, seeing how addicted i am to books. so i head over to the science fiction/fantasy section (my favourite section) and check for all my favourite authors (tamora pierce, mercedes lackey, andre norton...). and i look at the patricia c. wrede area, not expecting anything or perhaps one of the books from the enchanted forest chronicles. well, it's a good thing i looked! there was a copy of the seven towers, which is a book i've been looking for since sixth grade or something like that. because the only copy i've even found a tiny trace of is one book in the library system that's been missing for years. so this was an amazing find for me. of course, i made my mum buy it for me. [g] hey, it was only $1.25 which was good. and then i also got a copy of the illiad because i have the odyssey but not that one. and it only makes sense to have both of them, right? right. my total purchases came out to $2.50. my mum's purchases came out to $9. for once i went in there and bought less than she did. that's never happened before, i think. [g]

and then i went to best buy. but we've already heard about that...

i think either a) sam went on vacation (despite having volleyball...) or b) he put on privacy preferences so i wouldn't talk to him. sadly, either one of these is extremely probable. boys suck.

ooh the sun's actually supposed to be out tomorrow! it's been so cold here lately...i mean, i love the cold, but when it's spring and it's cold it's just cruel. because it *feels* like basketball season, but it's not. : Þ i'm sure nobody has any idea what i'm talking about. [g] but seriously, my whole life, cold weather = basketball season and my birthday. but now cold weather = volleyball. and it's very confusing. [g]

okay, something just went *completely* psycho and deleted my splash page...but now it's working again, after ten tries. thankfully i had that backed up. unlike my cd list.

awwww. the library's having a dance party friday afternoon! i want to go. i want to invite sam to go with me. it would make up for me not going to the prom. [g] yesterday at the library there was a pyjama party at 6:30 and i was going to go to it (i actually was in my pyjamas, due to the fact that i wasn't feeling well enough to get dressed in real clothes [g]) but we left at six. : ( so i must go to this!

nevermind the fact that it'll probably be all little kids. [g]

i want to get my hair cut like this, the top right picture. except...no bangs. and not purple. well, i'd like to have purple hair, but i don't have the money for it. and bangs are just...not good on me. but other than that, i want my hair cut like that.

now i just need to find somewhere to get it cut...i've had my hair cut by the same person since we moved here when i was a baby, but the salon she was working at closed and she's not cutting hair for a while. so....i don't know where to go. hmm....

but the thing is, i'm very conservative with my hair. i've never had it cut really really short like that...i mean, the shortest i've ever had it cut was to my chin. that's how it is right now. but i want something different. but do i want something that different? i don't know.

i can't believe i'm blogging about a hair cut...

oh yeah, the whole purpose of my trip to best buy was to get the new stereophonics cd. which i did. it came with an extra cd! it's awesome. i'm on the very last song (of the first cd...) and i love it. ooooh yeah. just thought i'd mention that. [g]

oh geez. i just got home from best buy (well, not *just* got home, since my mum was on the phone for ever after...). you know, i was hoping to see sam. just because...i hope to see him every time i go outside. [g] but no, i *almost* saw him. but not quite. i saw The Demonic One (i'll leave deciding which one is demonic up to you...). and will. it's close, because they're all friends. and sam apparently "cruses" the mean streets of rehoboth with The Demonic One (don't ask...). so he should have been "crusing" with him today. but no, he wasn't. anyway...yeah. nobody really understands the issues i have with The Demonic One. well, the issues i once had. i don't have them anymore. [g] so...nobody really knows what i'm talking about. i'll shut up now.

guttapercha: a tough plastic substance from the latex of several malaysian tress of the sapodilla family that resembles rubber but contains more resin and is used esp. as insulation and in dentistry.

i was bored, so i decided to learn new words by randomly opening a dictionary. can you say "geek"?

wow, there are about two pages, front and back, of words starting with "self"! i...don't know what to say to that. [g]

hmm..."sphagnous" is a fun word. it might replace skank. [g]

synonymist: one who lists, studies, or discriminates synonyms.

you can discriminate against synonyms? hahahaha. haha.


okay, so i'm not going to northeastern today. because i woke up late and my mum had already disappeared into the void known as shopping. so...i don't know when we're going. maybe i can miss school for it. :o)

sigh. the things he writes make me want a guy like this. but really, i'd settle for anyone.

yeah, i just woke up. deal with it. i woke up to *really* strange thoughts about adam so...this is better. [g]

i'm *finally* going to bed! seeing how i have to get up in seven hours, this would be a good thing. [g]

this drives me insane.

yes, i actually went to stalker.net. i'm looking up possible domain names. not like i'm going to get a domain any time soon...maybe by the end of the summer. you know what my great big plan is? get a domain, and host all the cool internet people like gleebs who used to be on a domain but aren't anymore...and then also host sam so he'll be eternally grateful and fall in love with me. [g]

but first i need money for a domain...and then i have to find out how to buy one. details, details. : Þ

tuesday, april 17
...wow. i just realised exactly how much i've blogged today. someone needs to keep me away from the publish button. oops...

but i just realised that i really really like my layout. i know it must sound conceited, but i do. i'm just...so happy with it. i think it's beautiful. i've been showing it to everyone. i must've showed it to my mum like, twenty times. and i kept showing it to random people when they walked into the library this afternoon. [g]

i'm not going to blog for the next ten minutes. because then it'll be midnight, and thus a new day. :o)

the guy on who wants to be a millionaire would be sexy in a weird kind of way if he didn't have stupid hair.

oh wait...i just realised that nobody else is watching it now because my mum taped it. [g] so nobody really knows what i'm talking about. but he has his mouth in a weird way and i find it kind of...cute. in a very abnormal way. i don't know why.

but i would never ever like him, because 1) he's a red sox fan and 2) he doesn't know what a tincture is! so...he's dumb. even dumber than sam. [g]

ooh ooh ooh you know what? tomorrow i'm going to boston to visit northeastern and you know where else i'm going? i'm going to see the MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR BUS! i know everyone's jealous of me. live with it.


you know what? i think i'm finally not extremely sick anymore (i'm not even dizzy anymore!) but...my voice sucks. i've had "yellow" stuck in my head all day (thanks to my layout...[g]) and i've been trying to sing it, and it's awful. like, one hundred times worse than my *normal* horrible singing voice! that's saying a lot. you don't even know. i hate this...

awww the naked chef's over. i didn't even pay attention to it most of the time. i hope it taped....

i like saying awww can you tell? [g]

awww erica just complimented my writing (mainly on school essays...). she said that "not all of us can rock all the time. you are good at writing though". well that's good, seeing how i'm going to be an english majour in college...[g] but seriously, it's nice to hear someone compliment me. i feel special now. :o) <~~i stole jamie's face! i've decided that i like it. and it reminds me of spacehog (it has a pig's nose!) so now i'm using it. : Þ

lindsey! that's his name! [g] he's hot.

oooh the hot guy on angel (what was his name? he has some girl name...but i don't remember) is going to be on next week's episode. i'll have to watch it. i was very upset that i watched it today and he wasn't on. haha i'm such a loser...

oh geez....david boreanaz as angel dancing and smiling was just so incredibly cute! i love it when guys dance silly and smile...such as when sam does it in the gym during volleyball practice when i'm watching. [g]

it's really weird, you know, typing his name on here instead of raft-boy...

okay so i suppose the cat's out of the bag (or off the doorstep...) with that last post. yes, raft-boy is sam. i'm sure probably all of my readers knew that, but i felt like saying it anyway. so...yeah. i like sam. a lot. he'll probably pick today to read this. cause he's cool like that.

okay, back to writing emails to beth, because i told her i would while she was eating dinner. [g]

okay, i *so* am not running out of space. the server's just being insane. anyway...for your enjoyment (ie, so you can laugh at my patheticness), a conversation between beth and myself:

Angry Crouton: awww i want sam to send me flowers
Angry Crouton: ....randomness. [g]
PaulMcCGrl: ahh i love randomness. [g] that would be so wonderful if he sent you flowers!
Angry Crouton: ...but he won't
PaulMcCGrl: don't feel to bad, brad's not sending me flowers anytime either...
Angry Crouton: i mean, he didn't even send me an online card when i was sick! i would've sent him a card...no i wouldn't have. i would have brought him soup! [g]
Angry Crouton: but it would be so great if they did send us flowers...
PaulMcCGrl: i know. i would be so happy, i would probably start crying. [g]
Angry Crouton: i would. i would start crying if sam actually *imed* me!
Angry Crouton: no...i would start crying if he *smiled* at me!
Angry Crouton: because i'm just that pathetic

go ahead, just laugh at us.

okay so apparently i'm running out of room on this server. how did i do that? i only have 85 files on here....i have like, fifty times that on tripod, with the same amount of space allowed, and i've only used up like, 5% of it! this is insane...

okay, i'm watching buffy for the first time since...the end of november, probably. since then, i've only heard little tiny bits about what's been going on (due to having pep band practically every tuesday...and then i just kept forgetting to watch it [g]). so, needless to say, i'm confused. i know that joyce died and everything. the thing that confused me (and made me upset [g]) was....is the cute hospital worker in cahoots (haha) with glory? damn. i loved that guy.

so...someone please explain what's been going on. i'm very upset about this recent change. [g]

aaargh this is annoying me! okay, spotlight first semestre this year. there were four guys who would always sit in the back and be really really weird. (they scared me at first [g]) and i can only think of three of them. they were derrick, sam, and bart. i can't think of the fourth guy. i was thinking kyle, but he was always with jess. so...i don't know who it was and it's driving me insane! maybe i should ask sam next time i talk to him. he'd be like, 'why are you even thinking about this?' i don't know. these things just pop into my head and....i have to figure them out. i hate my faulty memory.

awww the cat left. but i suppose this is just as well, because it would have only been a matter of time before i surrendered and let her into my house. but still...it's sad. i wonder where she went? hopefully not to my psycho neighbours.

awwww....this is so completely not fair.

i wish i had a digital camera so i could take a picture of this kitten. no, wait. i have a digital camera. i wish i had a digital camera that works. yeah...

things that are perfect about this cat:
  • she's female (so is jewel)
  • she's black
  • she's friendly (she didn't even bring out her claws to hold onto me when i put her down to go back inside!)
  • she's adorable
  • jewel likes her (they've been sitting on opposite sides of the door, meowing to each other)
  • she's on my doorstep
  • she's not pregnant (or so it seems)
things that are wrong with this:
  • my mum doesn't want any more animals (we've been bugging her for another cat or dog for a year now)
the odds don't seem in my favour, despite the offbalance of the lists...

awww....you don't even realise how much i just want to take this cat inside and give her (yes it's female) a nice warm place to curl up and live...why does this happen to me? i'm going to be alone for the next six hours or so. how am i supposed to resist an adorable kitten for this long? i have the willpower of jello. it's not faaaaiiiiir....{/whining}

awww the cutest thing just happened! i came home (my mum left work early so she can bring my sister back to college) and sitting on our doorstep was the most adorable black kitten! and it was just sitting there, looking up at us and going "meeooow?" and i positively melted. my mum, on the other hand, was firm. she shooed it off the doorstep (when that failed, she picked it up and put it down in our yard). i would've brought it inside in a second. it's obviously a lost kitten trying to get out of the rain.

but...my mum and sister just left. i'm home alone. they should know not to leave me home alone with a lost kitten on my doorstep. [g] i know i shouldn't...but i can't leave animals alone. especially kittens. especially since i've always wanted a black kitten. awww...this is a problem for me.

so i'm sitting here, talking to kristina online about raft-boy and my obsession with the words "skank" and "decapitate". then she decides to tell me that her french foreign exchange student is right there with her. haha...i am never going to be allowed in france. [g]

okay, i *did* post that, yes i did. insane computer...

i'm at the library. i've already written two very very long emails (one to beth, one to kim, whom i haven't talked to in months!) and now i'm talking to kristina, and i'm bored. yay. the good news? raft-boy has not come to the library while i'm not here. the bad news? he also has not come while i'm here. bah. stupid boy.

okay so my sister left her computer at the house this morning when she went back to college. so she came back to get it, so she's going *back* to college tonight. i feel so bad for my mum, who's had to drive her. but...yeah. i'm bored. give me something to talk about, people!


i just got out of the shower about ten minutes ago (maybe a little more, but does it really matter?). in the shower, i seriously kept falling over. because i am so dizzy. this is not good. i better stop being dizzy by thursday, because i have band practice then. : Þ i also have to spend the entire day of thursday at the library. watch raft-boy go tomorrow. because he's just oh-so-cool like that.

i like having the house to myself. which makes me think that maybe i shouldn't go to the library but stay home for the rest of the day. but...then i won't even have a chance of seeing raft-boy. hmm....and my mum would probably make me clean my room if i stayed home. or actually get started on my history report (oops). hmm it looks like i'll be going to the library. [g]

led zeppelin is awesome. they are not skanks.

you know what sucks? when you have to drink lots and lots of orange juice (that doesn't suck) because you're sick (that sucks) but you can't because your lips are wicked chapped (that really sucks). everyone try it now and experience my pain.

yay the sound on my computer is finally working again! it stopped like, three hours ago...it's about time.

i think i might go to the library today. i don't know. i'm undecided. i'm feeling better (besides being incredibly dizzy, that is) and i want to get out of the house. but not go shopping for five hours. so...maybe i'll go to the library with my mum when she gets home. hey, maybe raft-boy will go there. he's supposed to. [g] but i don't know if he will today...he might go later in the week. well, he should go today. when i'm there. so i can see him. because i haven't seen him since thurdsay.

i'm really really dizzy again...

my computer's being really really slow because i'm downloading a song. "kashmir" actually. yay for led zeppelin.

the statue of liberty lost her virginity to me, oh yeah. but i get my rocks off by watching the cops on tv, oh yeah.

spacehog is awesome...

i want to get married.

i'm watching a wedding story look what sarah did to me!

sam's a skank.

i need to stop this...[g]

there, it worked! just proves that if you call something a skank for a long enough time, it'll start working again. [g]

skankityskankinskank! grrr...i want my posts back!


um...why aren't the rest of my posts showing up? skanky blogger.

skank is the word of the week, by the way. jamie and i decided it. but i think it should be the word of the month. [g]

spacehog's new album (you know what it is, i'm not even going to attempt to spell it) rocks the socks off even coldplay's album. that's saying a lot.

umm my sister went back to college this morning. she forgot her computer. oops...that is not good. at all.

i wish somebody was online...last night at like, seven, brian was online and he sent me a message that didn't sound like him at all. but i had to get off so i didn't get to actually talk to him. so i don't know what's up. and he hasn't been online since...

but i don't think it sounded like him, really. maybe i'm just insane. that's always a possibility. [g]

hmm...i don't think i'll be getting up in the morning to say bye to my sister before she goes back to college. actually, i'll probably still be up, i won't have gone to bed yet. [g] but seriously...i should go to bed. because i've started my emails again. this time, it's an email to raft-boy telling all about my feelings for him. i need to go before i accidentally hit the send button. : Þ

i'm proud of myself. i didn't send anyone weird emails tonight. well, there are the obligatory emails to beth, but she doesn't mind those. she writes me emails that are just as weird. mainly, i'm talking about sending emails to sam. i didn't do it tonight. i wonder if this means i'm getting over my sickness?

no...it just means that i didn't take a lot of medicine today. [g]

i wonder if he'll wake up this morning, go online, and be upset that there's no email from me in his inbox? i doubt it.

you know what? instead of emailing him, i should actually catch up on my real email. but that usually requires an actual thought process. writing to him doesn't. [g]

since i had essentially nothing else to do, and i don't feel like actually going to bed, i changed the colour scheme in my guestbook for jess. so go see it. and while you're at it, write in it!

(no. that wasn't a plead. really.)

okay, that wasn't too bad. i'm actually very pleased with my new layout. don't expect such a wonderful new layout for the rest of my page, though. actually...i wouldn't expect a new layout for it for a while. because i know i want to do something i haven't done before, but i don't know exactly what. so it should take me a while to think of that. [g]

and...i jut realised that i never explained that drawing down below. okay, in one of my very lengthy emails to beth, i was trying to explain to her how i managed to feel short even while sitting next to raft-boy, because his knees like...go upwards before they go back down. as you can tell, i still have no idea how to explain it. so i tried drawing a picture. it's greatly underexaggerated (or, as i said, underexasperated) but you get the general idea. right? [g]

okay, now the stars are moving...psycho computer.

now i have to go redo my entire archive page. fun.

okay. i think the tampering is done. i like it. my only problem is that the stars are supposed to move and stuff, but...they're not. they were earlier, so it may just be my computer going psycho. it may not. can anyone else see the stars moving?

other than that, i really really like this layout. all my tables were screwed up, so i had to fix them a lot, because otherwise my posts would come out and the rest would show up at the very bottom of the page. and i didn't like that. but i figured it out. yay.

okay. i got offline, shut down the entire computer, and went to bed. then i realised that i didn't check all of my blogs tonight. in fact, i only checked four of them. i cannot go to bed knowing that i have blogs unchecked. so here i am. i had to start up the entire computer and everything. but i also get to tamper with this layout for a while...

monday, april 16
okay, so i somehow managed to screw up the layout while doing some tampering with this page...but i kind of like it. how about everyone else?

my attempt at trying to draw a picture on the computer that compares how normal people sit to how raft-boy sits...

there he is, with his radioactive, glow-in-the-dark hair and no shoes. well, no shoes on his feet. they are there. [g]

aaargh blogger didn't post my really long post before the last one...so that one doesn't entirely make sense. oh well, figure it out for yourself. : Þ skanky blogger.

oh yes, and then there were my attempts to spell "hogyssey" (i still can't do it...i had to copy that one [g]): hoggyssey, hoggessey, hogeseey, hoggesey...and then jamie told me to type it five times, and this is what came out: hogyssey hogysey hogysy... yes i realise that was only three times. if i had continued, the results would have been disasterous. or is it disastrous? disastirous? aaagh....

my headphones are skanks. actually, i think it's the speakers. either way, something is a skank. SKANK!

haha...okay, i didn't mean to leave that last post like that. but i got a voicemail and the sound wasn't working on my computer, so i had to get offline and call up to get it (and it was a stupid message with just noise, no actual message, again!). so i just left the message like that. anyway, we finally got to the mall, and we spent like an hour looking at dresses for my sister. i found the perfect prom dress for me. it was my size, and on the $20 rack! i was excited, because my mum said that if i found a dress that cheap, she'd even pay for my prom ticket. unfortunately...the dress didn't really belong on that rack. skanky people who are too lazy to put dresses where they belong annoy me. skanks!

i feel like calling things names today. heehee...

anyway, then we went into another store, and looked at more dresses, and looked at some more in another store...eventually, we finished that, and i went to record town and got the new spacehog cd (which, i realised, i have spelled wrong every single time...and i've spelled it a different way every time i've written it [g]). it was only $13. which didn't really matter to me, since my mum was paying for it, so...yeah. and then i went to parade of shoes and got new sandals. because my sandals broke last august (in a shoe store, ironically) and i hadn't gotten new ones yet. well, i had stupid flip-flop type sandals, but i can't wear them without socks. i tried, and got blisters all on my feet. skanks.

okay, so i really just feel like calling everything a skank. haha.

anyway...then we went and looked at more dresses, even though my sister had already bought one...and we eventually came home.

anyway...the reason for me saying today was easy is that most people were in school, sweating over trig problems and the like. but not me. the biggest problem i had today was when i was shopping and suddenly had a thought. i panicked, thinking that i accidentally called pete townshend "peter" in my email to sam. believe me, i checked that first thing when i got home. [g] but luckily, i didn't call him peter. i normally wouldn't, but...medicine does weird things to me. medicine is a skank.

now, if only sam would reply to that email...boys are stupid.

today was...easy. SKANK! today was a SKANK! [g] okay, we (that being my mum, sister, and myself) left our house at noon to go to the mall. we didn't actually get to the mall until three. surprisingly, we did not go all the way to the mall next to my sister's college. [g] no, seriously, we went to walmart, where we spent *forever*. my sister and mum were looking at clothes. what was i doing? well, i got a few shirts (pink ones, and orange!), but then i got bored. so i followed this really hot guy with bleached hair around the store. accidentally. i'm serious. well, at first it was accidentally. then i just...gave in. [g] because i was looking at clothes with my sister (she was buying underwear and i called it skanky underwear [it was!] so all day she was like, 'stop calling me a skank!'), and he walked by. and i was like, "ooh, he's hot. even though he has bleached hair." (everyone should know my issues with bleached hair...) and then i was in the cd section, and i was walking out (because there were no good cds...) and he was in front of me. so then i was walking to find my sister, and he was sitll right in front of me. so i followed him around for a while. surprisingly enough, he led me to my sister. [g] he didn't notice i was following him, though. that's because i am now a professional stalker.

and then...we went to best buy. so i could get the new spacehog cd. but best buy DID NOT HAVE IT. what is that? best buy let me down! the world is coming to an end! nooooo!!!!!!!!!

...and then we went to the restaurant 99, which i did not like. because i was already sick (although i think i'm getting a little better) and restaurant food makes me...worse. i cannot eat restaurant food. so i picked at a salad while my sister complained about the honey mustard sauce and my mum just sat there.

and then we finally got to the mall.

well i'm off to the emerald square mall. and quite possibly best buy and walmart as well, because they're both up there. you know, every time i go to the mall i hope i'll see raft-boy (i haven't talked about raft-boy in a few days, have i? this is what vacation does to me). but i don't because i'm convinced he doesn't go to the mall. i mean, i try all the malls around here. stupid boy.

anyway...let's hope i don't fall from exhaustion during my shopping trip. because getting dressed this morning practically wore me out. i am serious. i hate being sick...

i feel like i've just been coughing up a cat. too much information, i know. maybe i'll go take a shower now. nah, i'll probably go back to bed. at any rate, i'm probably not going to stay on here. or maybe i will. i think i might go onto napster and try to download a song while i'm...off doing something else. i don't know. so many possibilities...

i can't believe this...i went to update my cd list, and...i don't know what happened, but the whole thing somehow got deleted. this isn't the first time it's happened, either. it happened to something else but i luckily had that backed up. well anyway, i was like, "that's not such a big deal, i'll just go to tripod and get my older version." so i go to tripod...and the whole file's gone! and there is no way i'm writing up all those cds again. that was a long list. so...you'll just have to do without it.

and what is it with having pop-ups on all of my pages suddenly? grrr...

sunday, april 15
my brother has to get up at five in the morning tomorrow to go on a trip to washington d.c. i laugh at him

or rather, i would if i wasn't so exhausted. this is when i give up on finding a perfect lyric for my profile and just go to sleep.

same blog, new title. yay.

wow. you know how bored i am? i just wrote beth an email about sandals. [g] actually, it goes into a whole long thing, but whatever. it was still about sandals. an email centred around the subject of sandals. someone save me, please.

so, how was everyone's easter? mine was okay, considering that i spent half of it asleep at my grandfather's house, a quarter of it celebrating my mum's birthday (which was 4 april, we just never celebrated it because my sister wasn't home and besides, that was the day my grandmother died), and the rest either watching tommy: the amazing journey or going online and writing a really long, apologetic email to sam (only the first paragraph was an apology...the rest was about the who [g]).

okay, my mum is crazy about getting everyone presents, so she does every single chance she gets. easter is no exception. this morning, each of us children got two easter baskets: one full of presents, and one full of candy. my first basket included the woman who rides like a man by tammy, anne's house of dreams (special issue) by l.m. montgomery, coldplay's parachutes cd, a photo album (in which my pictures don't fit, but oh well [g]), a journal book (i still have two from christmas that i haven't used...i just started one of them the other day), rolling stone magazine (with aerosmith on the cover...my mum admitted that she bought it for me so she could steal it for herself [g]), the video tommy: the amazing journey, and colour-changing lipstick. that stuff is awesome. it comes in a green stick, but it really comes out pink. things like this amuse me.

but...i love the coldplay cd! it is so freaking awesome (i said that phrase to my brother today, but in a different context, and he laughed at me...?). when i was at my grandfather's house and not sleeping, i was listening to it. yes, i am antisocial. didn't you know that already? [g]

and tomorrow i'm going to the mall and getting the hoggessy and tuesday the new stereophonics cd comes out so i think i'm going to buy that with the money my ciocia tillie gave me (isn't ciocia such a funny word? it's pronounced "cha-cha"...it's a polish word. polish is the weirdest language in the world, i'm convinced) because it's only $8 at best buy!

and the guy on who wants to be a millionaire is wearing geek glasses and has nice hair. it's amazing how little it takes to make me fall in love with someone. i am so superficial. [g]

happy easter, everybody!